During our series on “A Disciple’s Path”, we will post helpful links, devotionals and other information pertinent to continuing our growth as disciples in the United Methodist Church.
- A blessing we give others when we are building authentic friendships is to listen well. Watch this web-link to learn more about this spiritual discipline.
- What are ways that you are able to share your faith with friends, relatives, associates, or neighbors? Whom might you pray about reaching out to over the next three months? Who might you invite to the Easter Egg Hunt or to Easter to be introduced to the BEST “Good News” in the world?
And Next-Next Steps …
If you would like to continue to read about spiritual growth in the Wesleyan tradition, your Pastors recommend : The Wesley Challenge Participant Book: 21 Days to a More Authentic Faith by Chris Folmsbee. It can be ordered through or
1. Complete the spiritual gifts assessment. Then discern how you can share your spiritual gifts with others to build up the kingdom of God.
2. Consider and pray over where God is leading or nudging you to be a part of a monthly or quarterly service opportunity?
3. Pray and fast as you ask God about service opportunities to do. See what the UMC says about fasting here.
“Generosity begins with God.”
We give in loving response to God’s gifts to us. What have I received from God that makes me feel so good I can’t wait to share it with others?
1. For more reflective questions on “Generosity,” you can find a worksheet from our A Disciple’s Path study at
- The “10-10-80 Principle” states: Give God 10%, save 10%,
and live off 80%.
2. Is it time to assess your finances to be intentional for saving for the future, giving back to God, and managing what you live off? What are your percentages? Are they where you would wish them to be?
- To learn more, about how to assess your finances and work toward the “10-10-80 Principle,” visit: and search 10-10-80.
- John Wesley’s three rules for dealing with money: “Gain all you can. Save all you can. Give all you can.”
Corporate Worship:
1. To enjoy some of your favorite worship music throughout the week as a spiritual discipline, try one of these websites:
2. Reflect upon your vow to participate in worship. How do you actively engage in the different aspects such as the songs, Scripture reading, sermon, or prayer time? Are you in worship weekly and if not, how can you work toward that spiritual practice?
Small Group Community:
1. Check out this “Sweet Hour of Prayer” video as a great small group spiritual practice: Sweet Hour of Prayer
2. Are you in a Connect Group? If not, you can see our Connect Groups by clicking here: Connect Groups. Also, Rev. Tondala,, would be happy to help you find a Connect Group, Sunday School class, dinner group, or specialty group.
Check here for Rev. Tondala Hayward’s teaching of the Week Three Study of this book: A Disciple’s Path – Week Three.
1. Visit these web-sites for great devotionals and prayer practices:
2. Dust off your Bible and/or choose a daily devotional book
3. Here are the daily devotional recommendations from your Pastors:
- Stand Strong: 365 Devotions for Men by Men from Our Daily Bread Ministries
- The One Year Uncommon Life Daily Challenge by Tony Dungy
- Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence by Sarah Young
- Jesus Listens: Daily Devotional Prayers of Peace, Joy, and Hope (the NEW 365-day Prayer Book) by Sarah Young
- Through the Year with Charles Wesley: 365 daily readings from Charles Wesley by Stephen Poxon
- Early Methodist Spirituality: Selected Women’s Writings by Paul W. Chilcote
Check here for Dr. Eddie Bromley’s teaching of the Week Two Study of this book: A Disciple’s Path – Week Two.
1. Pick up the “A Disciple’s Path: Companion Reader” & join a Sunday School class study or sign up for one of the three Pastor’s Study Groups.
2. Consider and pray over your Christian growth as a disciple:
• How do you describe your relationship with God and Jesus?
• How has your relationship with God and Jesus changed over time?
• As you look back on your life, can you identify the times and instances in which God was wooing you or drawing you closer?
• What areas of your relationship with God and Jesus would you like to grow in over the next six weeks?
3. Here are the documents mentioned this week for diving deeper into your Christian growth as a disciple and for the Collierville UMC “Core Values & Guiding Behaviors.”
Check here for Dr. Deborah Suddarth’s teaching of the Week One Study of this book: A Disciple’s Path – Week One.