Blessing of the Animals

We would like to invite you to the first annual “Blessing of the Animals” on Wednesday, October 3 at 6:30 pm. We

Pre-Christmas Pajama Party

All children ages K–5th grade (and their friends) are invited to a Pre-Christmas Pajama Party, Wednesday, December 5 from 5:30-7:30 pm! We

Breakfast with Santa and MOPS Merry Market

Poplar Location 454 W. Poplar Ave, Collierville, TN

We are so excited that the 30th Annual, Breakfast with Santa is almost here! Please join us on Saturday December 8 for


Moms and Dads, are you ready for a Parent’s Night Out? On Friday, February 22, kids are invited to our CUMC Kids

Picnic with the Preachers

As our Wednesday night programming concludes, we invite all kids and parents to “Picnic with the Preachers” on Wednesday, May 1, from