Rummage Sale
March 30, 2019 @ 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
The CUMC Youth Rummage Sale is Saturday, March 30, 2019 from 8am-2pm. Donations can be dropped off at the drop-off tent, located in the back church parking lot, from Friday, March 22 through Wednesday March 27. For directions to the warehouse or for furniture pickup only, text Billie Ray at 901-848-7849. Donations are tax deductible. There are donation receipts at the front desk by the common cup in a file folder. We do not accept large box TV’s.
Pianos will be picked up rummage week and not before. Clean clothes must be in garbage bags unless donated rummage-week. Volunteers are needed to help with pickups, sorting and organizing now and rummage-week, March 24 – March 30. Rummage-week volunteers are able to shop early if they work 5 hours. After 5 hours of volunteering you are able to buy one item. Work another 5 hours and buy something else. On Friday, March 29, volunteers who have worked at least 5 hours are invited to shop the pre-sale Friday evening for about 30 minutes once everything has been organized. Adult volunteers are able to donate their time to youth.
Youth are able to receive up to $500 in credit to their mission trip account of (non family) donated volunteer time per year. You do not have to be a member of the church to volunteer. Students can receive service hours for volunteering. However, they cannot get both rummage credit and service hours. After the sale the remaining items that did not sell are donated to the Vietnam Vets. High dollar items that do not sell will be posted online and taken back to the warehouse.
If you would like to sign up as a volunteer for this event, please visit https://signupgenius.com/go/10c094ca8a82da64-cumc2